240 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards health foods in terms of diet and physical activity

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    In our research, the aim was to examine consumer attitudes related to health foods, and these were analyzed in terms of physical activity and diet. Our studies were carried out in three stages. First, a netnographic analysis (a study of social interactions in the contemporary digital communication environment – Editor) was performed with data recorded in a search engine on the one hand and with the content analysis of posts and comments made in groups of publicly available social media sites on the other hand. The interest and its changes of consumers present in the online space were detected in the common subset of health-conscious eating and physical activity. While the number of hits shows a variable rate growth from year to year, the contetns are concentrated in relatively stable groups. Based on this, four main topics can be distinguished in the online space in the common subset of healthy eating and exercise: • Training plans with recipes, • Requests for recommendations, • Providing advice, • Motivational examples. During teh second stage of our research, focus group interviews were conducted. The impact of regular exercise on the purchase and consumption of health foods was examined, and also the implications of this in developing and maintaining a diet perceived to be healthier by the consumers. 7 people were included in each study, based on preliminary criteria. The differentiating factor in joining the groups was the performance of regular physical activity, so an active and a passive group was formed. The identification of differences and characteristics was fundamental to the design of our quantitative research. During the third stage of our research, we were the first in Hungary to adapt the Consumer Style Inventory (CSI)1 test for health foods, the final version of which contains 25 items. In adition, differences in the way people transition to a healthy diet were examined. Based on the Eurobarometer survey, statements related to physical activity and sedentary lifestyle were formulated, which were classified as background variables in the analysis. The survey includes a gender-representative sample of 300 people. In our exploratory research, attitudes appearing in CSI were identified by principal component analysis, and then groups were formed by K-means cluster analysis. Based on this, four homogeneous consumer groups were identified in terms of attitudes towards health foods: • Uninterested, • Health-oriented, • Variety seekers, • Uncertain brand choosers. Our results show that a sedentary lifestyle has no effect, while a diet considered healthy, as well as the regularity and duration of physical activity have significant effects on attitudes toward health foods

    Analysis of the Different Sales Channels on Organic Food Market

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    The national ecological production is highly export orientated. The development of the inner market is a very slow process the reasons for which are incomplete knowledge, limited solvent demand, wrong approach and limited purchase possibilities. In the supply of the few organic stores we can only find about 10% organic food which is compensated by the wide choice. Organic foods aren´t able to get into supermarkets because of the limited goods provision and the high production costs, low supply characterises them, their attract is due to their special quality and traditionality. The development tendency of the organic market in Hungary moves in the direction of home delivery service and local market, these enterprises reach considerable initial success and their further development can be expected. Eco-tourism means possibilities in opening eco-restaurants and hotels where organic meals are served


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    A recent investigation on the bryophyte fl ora of the Alcsík Basin resulted in recording 70 bryophyte taxa (5 liverworts and 65 mosses). Although declining in some aspects, the area still preserves very valuable bryophyte vegetation rich in elements characteristic for fens and mires. Hamatocaulis vernicosus is the most valuable species recorded, a bryophyte included in the Bern Convention, in the European Union Habitats and Species Directive, and in the Red data book of European bryophytes. Several other rarities in SE Europe occur in the investigated area, including Breidleria pratensis, Dicranum bonjeanii, Drepanocladus polygamus, Philonotis marchica, P. caespitosa, Plagiomnium ellipticum, Polytrichum strictum, Scorpidium cossonii, Sphagnum spp., and Tomentypnum nitens. Some of these, such as Plagiomnium ellipticum or Tomentypnum nitens, are very abundant and represent the largest populations recently recorded in SE Europe

    Analysis of consumer habits and attitudes on the Hungarian beef and rabbit market

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    As a consortium partner the authors took part in a research project aiming at the development of high added value, healthy and environment friendly animal products. From among the products developed by the consortium (rabbit meat, omega3-fatty acid enriched beef, goose liver from non forcible feeding, selenium-, vitamin-E and natural color enriched eggs) the present study describes the results concerning beef and rabbit meat. The given products are chosen because they are produced in and exported from Hungary in considerable quantities and their competitiveness can be further improved. In order to able to map the consumer preferences a 300 count nationwide, representative, questionnaire based survey was designed and performed. Actual products were tested by focus groups and professional interviews. Beside the specific features of the products a common character is that the marketing strategy focuses on the distinctive nutritional benefits and other quality parameters that seem to be of crucial importance for the targeted consumer segment. Their unique character and health protecting effects make their branding and using community labeling easy. Their positioning points toward the prestige products therefore consumers tend to accept higher prices. In marketing communication the image building advertisement can be a common goal